Surprise medical billing has become a nuisance that extends beyond the traditional concept of being an “out of network” issue.
Are You Sharing Your Logins & Passwords?! Stop Now!
If your organization is sharing passwords to keep up with the demand of the everyday hustle of healthcare, it doesn’t matter. You have to stop now.
Small Businesses Combating Cybercrime
A lack of capital to employ proper tech support, being unaware, and having an underestimation of their “small” business being compromised actually are the 3 typical reasons small businesses are neglectful when it comes to cyber attacks.
Charging Patients Fees for Medical Record Requests?
It’s essentially up to each practice if they decide to charge for health records requests. It’s your legal right. The goal is to be fair. Unethical practices can cause unnecessary complaints to HHS (and expose the level of your greed).
Those Dreadful Breaches
The number one thing to remember to help lessen your chances of being penalized is to report the breach. All covered entities must report breaches of all unsecured PHI to HHS.
The Healthcare Industry: A conglomerate beast
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